Clan Poole
The Celtic House of Poole - Céad míle fáilte (a hundred thousand welcomes)
© 2019 - 2024 Clan Poole


DNA Project from our Clan Chief’s Bloodline

Poole - DNA. Clan Poole are a result of the Irish diaspora (Diaspóra na nGael), referring to the ethnic Irish and their descendants who now live outside of the Island of Ireland. Our Irish ancestors settling in Lancashire, England. It’s a fascinating element to know where we come from, what we’re made of, who and where our ancestors lived. Our Irish ancestry comes from our Chief on his mothers Margaret Greenall’s side, then to her mother Catherine McGuire’s Irish bloodline, Co. Waterford, Co. Fermangh areas. Our Scottish and Welsh ancestry comes from the Poole line itself. The image you will see to the right shows the ethnicity estimate of our Chief Darren Poole, using DNA tested via (New Update - Understanding DNA Testing: Y-Chromosome, Mitochondrial, and Autosomal). DNA testing has become a valuable tool for tracing ancestry, exploring genetic heritage, and connecting with relatives. Different types of DNA tests—Y-chromosome, mitochondrial, and autosomal, offer unique insights into our genetic backgrounds. Here's how these tests work and how they can benefit ancestral projects and clan members. Types of DNA Tests and How They Work 1. Y-Chromosome DNA Testing (Y-DNA) Y-DNA testing focuses on the Y-chromosome, which is passed from father to son. This type of test is used to trace direct paternal lineage and is only available to males. Process: Sample Collection: Typically involves a cheek swab. Analysis: Examines specific markers (Short Tandem Repeats, STRs, and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, SNPs) on the Y-chromosome. Comparison: Matches your Y-DNA with others in databases to identify paternal relatives and ancestral origins. Uses: Paternal Lineage: Traces direct male ancestors. Surname Projects: Helps in studying the origins and migrations of family surnames. 2. Mitochondrial DNA Testing (mtDNA) Mitochondrial DNA testing analyzes the DNA in mitochondria, which is inherited from the mother. Both males and females can take this test to trace their direct maternal lineage. Process: Sample Collection: Typically involves a cheek swab. Analysis: Examines specific regions of mtDNA (Hypervariable Regions, HVR1 and HVR2). Comparison: Matches your mtDNA with others to identify maternal relatives and ancient maternal lines. Uses: Maternal Lineage: Traces direct female ancestors. Deep Ancestry: Provides insights into ancient maternal ancestry and migrations. 3. Autosomal DNA Testing Autosomal DNA testing analyzes the 22 pairs of autosomal chromosomes inherited from both parents. This type of test provides a comprehensive view of your overall genetic makeup and can identify relatives from all branches of your family tree. Process: Sample Collection: Typically involves a saliva or cheek swab sample. Analysis: Examines numerous markers (SNPs) across all autosomal chromosomes. Comparison: Matches your DNA with others in databases to estimate ethnic origins and identify relatives. Uses: Broad Ancestry: Provides an overall ethnic breakdown and connects with relatives from both maternal and paternal sides. Family Matching: Helps find and connect with a wide range of relatives. Benefits for Ancestral Projects and Clan Members 1. Preserving and Strengthening Heritage Y-DNA and mtDNA tests trace direct paternal and maternal lines, respectively, offering detailed insights into the clan's deep ancestral roots. Autosomal testing provides a broader picture of ethnic origins, helping clans map out their full heritage. 2. Enhancing Family Bonds DNA testing can reveal connections with distant relatives, strengthening clan unity. Discovering common ancestors and shared heritage fosters a sense of belonging and shared identity among clan members. 3. Supporting Genealogical Research Ancestral projects benefit from the detailed lineage information provided by Y-DNA and mtDNA tests. These tests help validate historical records, expand family trees, and uncover new branches of the family. 4. Uncovering Migration Patterns DNA tests can reveal ancient migration patterns, offering insights into how the clan's ancestors moved and settled in different regions. This knowledge enriches the clan's historical narrative. 5. Health Insights While primarily focused on ancestry, autosomal DNA tests can also provide health-related information. Understanding genetic predispositions to certain conditions can help clan members take proactive steps toward better health. Conclusion DNA testing, whether Y-chromosome, mitochondrial, or autosomal, offers a powerful means to explore and preserve ancestral heritage. For clan members, participating in DNA testing can strengthen family bonds, enhance genealogical research, and provide a richer understanding of their collective history. By embracing these tests, clans can ensure their heritage is accurately recorded and cherished for future generations. There are now steps in motion for a Poole Y-DNA project, which will focus solely on the Poole line, of which our Chief has submitted DNA samples for the Y DNA project to commence, ETA on more updates on this will come around Winter 2024, this section of the Clan Poole website will be updated in due course. We encourage all Clan Members to take up the call, and to join us in our DNA efforts. Our Chiefs’ Autosomal DNA has been uploaded to Gedmatch, he has given permission to add his Number to our DNA section. His Gedmatch number is as follows - MM9227713. Also over on our Facebook page we now have a Clan Poole Ancestral DNA Genealogy group for people to join if they get a DNA Match on Ancestry or Gedmatch, please note that any match will be checked before you’re admitted into the group. .
(Ethnicity Estimate from our Chiefs DNA)