The Celtic House of Poole - Céad míle fáilte (a hundred thousand welcomes)
Membership - Contact - Links
Email the Clan
We have two mailboxes open at the moment, please click on the one that best suits your need to contactus:General information: contact@clanpoole.orgMembership inquiries: Please fill out the form using this link or direct an Email to membership@clanpoole.orgStating Membership request.Clan membership fees are paid yearly and are duein January of each year.Membership fee is currently £29.99, and covers thepetitoner and immediate family members.Membership BenefitsCertificate (digital and printed) Printed incurs a smallfee.3 Newsletters per year (If incoming news permits)Priority Invitation to Clan Events.What is the Money used for?Maintain the Website, Social Media and promotion, as well as Heritage projects - Fund attendance atHighland Games (Worldwide when possible) - Fund Clan Gatherings - Clan Legal and Insurance Fees.