Clan Poole
The Celtic House of Poole - Céad míle fáilte (a hundred thousand welcomes)
© 2019 - 2024 Clan Poole

Membership & Contact

Email the Clan

We have two mailboxes open at the moment, please click on the one that best suits your need to contact us: General information: Membership inquiries: Please fill out the form using this link or direct an Email to Stating Membership request. *Note - Clan Membership costs £40.00 yearly. (£40.00 GBP Per Year) April to April. Our Clan Chief has stated that their will be no subscription/membership fees payable for the forseeable future, until the cost of living crisis improves. But we do still ask that you follow the Membership request steps as mentioned above. Membership Benefits Certificate (digital and printed) Printed incurs a small fee. 3 Newsletters per year (If incoming news permits) Priority Invitation to Clan Events. What is the Money used for? Maintain the Website, Social Media and promotion, as well as Heritage projects - Fund attendance at Highland Games (Worldwide when possible) - Fund Clan Gatherings - Clan Legal and Insurance Fees.
Support your Clan You can support your Clans heritage projects in addition to your membership subscription. Below you will find a donate button, here you can donate what you wish. As well as a link to Patreon, think of our Patreon as a fly on the wall, ran by our Clan Chief, everything is uploaded by him, a few posts a week are uploaded, with what’s happening within the Clan and general life. Followers of our Patreon can get private messages, birthday and christmas cards as well as two personal letters a year direct from our Clan Chief. (Note this is a subscrtiption based service).